6 mins
If you want to detox and fire up your metabolism, digestion, energy and hormones (weight loss, anti-aging, immunity and more), then you've probably been breathing all wrong. Adults, and many yoga practitioners, breathe up high in their chests, which is the one surefire way to diminish all the benefits I listed above. You were born breathing more around the base of your ribs and down into the abdomen and even pelvis. But somewhere along the way, it got trained or stressed out of us, forcing the breath upward. It's fine to breathe mindfully into your chest sometimes, as we actually need to do this more as the heart rate rises during our Shred days. But otherwise, and especially in the yoga practice, you'll want to breathe in a way that strengthens your deepest core muscles, and amps up your cleansing and heat to calm and support your practice. This is exactly what my signature Belly Bonfire breath is about, and I'm about to rock your world AND your body and teach you how to do this so you can take your practice to the next level.